Harmonic Drive LLC | 42 Dunham Ridge, Beverly, MA 01915 | 800-921-3332
Harmonic Drive and Harmonic Planetary are registered trademarks of Harmonic Drive LLC.

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C. Walton Musser Explore the mind of genius inventor C. Walton Musser, inventor of the harmonic gear. Harmonic Drive® gears and actuators have been relied upon for precision motion control for over 60 years.
Harmonic Gearing Harmonic Drive® strain wave gears are in a class of their own when it comes to motion control and mechanical power transmission. With operating principles and construction that maximize output torque and minimize size and weight, Harmonic Drive® gears offer advantages such as high reduction ratios in a single stage, zero backlash, and high precision that cannot be equaled by conventional gear trains.
Harmonic Planetary Gearing Our expertise in the field of elasto-mechanics of metals is applied to the internal gear of the HPG, HPGP and HPF Series to provide the gearhead with continuous backlash compensation. Harmonic Planetary® gears use a precision engineered elastic ring gear. This proprietary Harmonic Planetary® gear design provides smooth and quiet motion and maintains ultra-low backlash for the life of the reducer.


Clayton Controls, Inc. - Headquarters
2865 Pullman St.
Santa Ana, CA 92705

Toll Free: (800) 235-4411
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