Harmonic Drive LLC | 42 Dunham Ridge, Beverly, MA 01915 | 800-921-3332
Harmonic Drive and Harmonic Planetary are registered trademarks of Harmonic Drive LLC.


The HPG Harmonic Planetary® gearhead has the same high performance specifications as our standard HPG series but with an input shaft for shaft couplings or for use with motor offset with a belt drive. Same as the HPG, this gearhead incorporates continuous backlash compensation that ensures low backlash throughout the life of the gear. The large Cross Roller bearing serves as the output flange and can support large loads with high moment stiffness. HPG planetary gears are available with a flange output, smooth output shaft or a shaft with a key and tapped center hole.

  • Shaft Input
  • Available in 6 Frame Sizes
  • Peak Torque: 5Nm to 3,200Nm
  • Ratios: 3:1 to 50:1
  • High Efficiency
  • Backlash <3 arc-min (<1arc-min available as an option)
  • High load capacity Cross Roller output bearing

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Ordering Code Ratio Rated Torque L50 Limit for Repeated Peak Torque Limit for Momentary Peak Torque Max. Input Speed
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Ordering Code Ratio Rated Torque L50 Limit for Repeated Peak Torque Limit for Momentary Peak Torque Max. Input Speed
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HPG-11B-5-U1 05 5 10 20 10,000
HPG-11B-9-U1 09 5 5 20 10,000
HPG-11B-21-U1 21 8 10 20 10,000
HPG-11B-37-U1 37 9 10 20 10,000
HPG-11B-45-U1 45 10 10 20 10,000
HPG-14A-3-U1 03 7 15 37 5,000
HPG-14A-5-U1 05 11 30 56 6,000
HPG-14A-11-U1 11 15 30 63 6,000
HPG-14A-15-U1 15 16 30 63 6,000
HPG-14A-21-U1 21 17 30 63 6,000
HPG-14A-33-U1 33 20 30 63 6,000
HPG-14A-45-U1 45 22 30 63 6,000
HPG-20A-3-U1 03 17 64 124 4,000
HPG-20A-5-U1 05 38 100 217 6,000
HPG-20A-11-U1 11 46 117 217 6,000
HPG-20A-15-U1 15 58 107 217 6,000
HPG-20A-21-U1 21 58 107 217 6,000
HPG-20A-33-U1 33 70 117 217 6,000
HPG-20A-45-U1 45 73 106 217 6,000
HPG-32A-3-U1 03 60 225 507 3,600
HPG-32A-5-U1 05 120 300 650 6,000
HPG-32A-11-U1 11 160 330 650 6,000
HPG-32A-15-U1 15 170 300 350 6,000
HPG-32A-21-U1 21 190 300 650 6,000
HPG-32A-33-U1 33 200 330 650 6,000
HPG-32A-45-U1 45 240 300 650 6,000
HPG-50A-3-U1 03 160 850 1,200 3,000
HPG-50A-5-U1 05 290 1,110 1,850 4,500
HPG-50A-11-U1 11 340 1,200 2,180 4,500
HPG-50A-15-U1 15 400 1,250 2,180 4,500
HPG-50A-21-U1 21 450 1,140 2,180 4,500
HPG-50A-33-U1 33 470 1,140 2,180 4,500
HPG-50A-45-U1 45 560 1,130 2,180 4,500
HPG-65A-4-U1 04 870 2,890 4,500 2,500
HPG-65A-5-U1 05 900 3,100 4,500 3,000
HPG-65A-12-U1 12 1,020 3,100 4,500 3,000
HPG-65A-15-U1 15 1,260 3,200 4,500 3,000
HPG-65A-20-U1 20 1,370 3,100 4,500 3,000
HPG-65A-25-U1 25 1,470 3,200 4,500 3,000
HPG-65A-40-U1 40 1,320 1,900 4,500 3,000
HPG-65A-50-U1 50 1,650 2,200 4,500 3,000


Clayton Controls, Inc. - Headquarters
2865 Pullman St.
Santa Ana, CA 92705

Toll Free: (800) 235-4411
Local / International: (714) 556-9446
